7Q Solutions

Management Review

Management Review

Define Top/Down Goals

Simplify & Automate

Define Top/Down Goals

Simplify & Automate


Management Review of the Future

If your management goals and objectives are not connected to your bottom line daily results, then your management review process is wasting your resources

We apply design, simplify and automate your management review processes with specific methods, techniques, and tools to effectively connect your bottom line result to the goals and objectives you have for your organization.

What is Management Review?

Management Review is a formal, systematic structured meeting with your top leadership team to define, track, and manage critical goals & objectives.

The leadership element requires top management to fully engage with the quality management system, not just delegate it to a Quality Manager or Quality Team. The Quality Management System should align with the overall organizational objectives.


Monitor and Track Previous Actions

We will create a perfect platform for your management review process to securely track open actions, and ensure that it reaches full closure.


Risk Evaluation & SWOT Analysis

The management review process developed by us will incorporate SWOT analysis into the process to evaluate current and future risk and areas for opportunities for improvement throughout your organization.


Customer and Interested Parties Satisfaction

An interested party is pretty much anyone who is affected, can be affected or can perceive themselves to be affected by an action or omission of your organization. We will create a management review process platform that will identify and capture customers, or other interested parties requirements such as requirements for designation, approval documentation, and control of KCs. These will be embedded automatically into the process to be measured, tracked, analyzed, and improved when not meeting the desired goals.


Audit Results and Performance

Our approach is to simplify and automate your management review process by integrating all external, internal, and customer audits elements into the management review process to give accurate visibility to the top leadership team to make the best decisions needed.


Company Objectives & KPIs

The most critical part of a management review process is identifying, tracking, and managing the Key Performance Inputs (KPIs) for the organization. If it is not done correctly, then your leadership team’s efforts and resources go to waste. We will design and implement a powerful management review process that will correctly identify, track, and give you the ability to manage and improve your KPIs.


Supplier Performance & Evaluation

Our conceptual design for the management review process will connect and capture your supplier performance and evaluation data following the SIPOC platform. 7Q implementation tools and techniques will simplify and automate this part of your process making it easy for your leadership team to analyze and make the correct decisions.


Adequacy of Resources

Involving the people within your business fosters deeper engagement with operations. This can lead to reduced turnover of staff, better productivity, enhanced trust and collaboration and a skilled and happy workforce. We will set up a management review process to have the ability to utilize reliable capacity resources to meet your customers’ demands at all times. The management review process will look at the adequacy of facilities, equipment, skills and knowledge to fulfill the organization’s needs to meet its goals, objectives, and future plans.


Continuous Improvements

The methods and tools we use for the management review process will address issues more quickly and to make sure it leads to continuous Improvements.


Meeting Minutes

The methods and tools we use for implementing the management reverie process will systematically record all decisions turning it into actionable tasks to make sure it reaches a complete closure.


Action Item Tracking

Your management review process will be created in a way that all records, events, data, and decisions are easily and securely tracked and are accessible at any time from anywhere.


The methods and tools we use to create and set up the management review systems will connect your high level goals and objectives to bottom line activities and results to make sure it is effective and reaches a complete closure.

“Effective Every Time”

Simplify & Automate

Our conceptual approach is to create a simplified automated management review process that will cover all aspect of a perfect Quality System you need for your business and eliminate unnecessary tedious manual administrative work.